The Honorable Robert Bentley
Governor of Alabama
600 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36130
RE: Appointment of Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore
To Replace United States Senator Jeff Sessions
Dear Governor Bentley:
This is an open letter to urge you to seriously consider appointing Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore to be Alabama’s next U.S. Senator for the remainder of the term for that office soon to be vacated by Senator Jeff Sessions.
As you are no doubt aware, Judge Moore is a Republican with strong Christian convictions who has the education, experience and background necessary to serve in that position with unparalleled dignity, integrity and competence.
When I think of the public stands Judge Moore has made at great personal cost to himself, it often brings to mind another Justice who was guided by a similar legal and moral compass — the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Like Justice Scalia, Judge Moore has boldly demonstrated a resolve common only to a rare breed of individuals to resist the incursions being imposed upon our society by politically correct thoughts and progressive agendas that, if left unchecked, will ultimately jeopardize, if not permanently impair, the sanctity of both our Constitution and the unalienable rights it guarantees us all.
Regretfully, the late Justice Scalia is no longer with us. However, the great State of Alabama has, in the person of Judge Roy Moore, a unique opportunity to present to the United States a man of similar ethical fiber and fortitude to serve in the United States Senate — an opportunity that should be seized.
Allow me to express my gratitude to you now for your anticipated serious consideration of this request. It is greatly appreciated in the hope you will concur and respond accordingly. Thank you.
Very truly yours,